4 Poker Tips to Double Your Profit in 5 Minutes


Are you looking for quick poker skills that can win in no-limit poker circles while being easy to remember?

Fortunately for you who are reading the article, today I have listed 4 techniques and strategies that I believe will help you become a more confident and profitable poker player.

Play fewer hands and play more aggressively. In an unlimited poker card game, even the world’s top players have a limit on how many hands can be played before the flop. If you play all cards, your chips will gradually decrease (unless you can always be lucky).

Developing a solid pre-flop strategy is the easiest and fastest way to increase profits. However, it is relatively easy to determine the pre-flop hand range, but it is difficult to follow these rules. Don’t let yourself lose patience and play some poor quality hands.

The best way is to narrow your hand range and only play those cards that are more playable, but play more aggressively. For more speculative cards like 7♠6♠5♥, you have to play aggressively to hide your true hand strength on the table.

When you raise, your opponent will not know if you have AA, AK or 7-6, which makes it difficult for you to deal with at the table. So tightening the hand range and being aggressive will make you win the game!

1. Don’t be the first limp player.

Don’t be the first limp player.

Limping (just calling the big blind before the flop) is the first player to enter the pot. This is not recommended for two main reasons:
1. You gave up the opportunity to win the pot by raising.
2. You have created very attractive pot odds for the players behind, so that you may have to face multiple players and thus are unlikely to win the pot.

The only acceptable situation for limp is that there is at least one other player limp. This is called over-limping, and it may be a good way to play, because the pot odds support you to do this kind of limp, and you can hopefully hit a good hand on the flop.


2. Use your draws to actively semi-bluff.

If you want to really play Pocket Texas, you need to bluff effectively. But invalid bluffs are one of the fastest ways to lose chips. So, how do you control the frequency of your bluffing?

The most effective way to bluff is to let your hand decide whether you are bluffing or not. This means bluffing with your draws from later rounds, such as straights, flushes, or even just one or two high cards. Even if your bluff is called, these draws can guarantee you a good winning percentage.

The reason these cards are called “semi-bluffing” is that the potential of these cards is not just that they can be bluffed (and can be hit while playing). You can learn more about semi-bluffing here. When you are just starting to learn how to use this Texas technique, it is not advisable to bluff all the way to the river with air cards that have no showdown equity at all. (Except for one situation, I will mention it in Article 7 later)

Play your strong cards to build a pool and get more value.

A regrettable scenario is that when a player checks three blocks with his own nut flush and his opponent on the river chooses to check, they are at a loss. Some players choose to play slowly because they are afraid of scaring their opponents away when they get good cards. This is a common mistake they often make.

In most cases, you’d better use strong hand bets to build a big pot and protect your winning percentage. But this does not mean that you should always bet/raise your strong post-flop hand. If the following situations occur, you can consider checking your strong cards:
1. You are unlikely to be overtaken by buying cards.
2. There are not many thriller cards that can stop you from playing value in the next few streets.
3. Most of your opponent’s hand range has no showdown value (inducing bluffing).

However, when you are not sure, you can bet (or check-raise if you are not the preflop attacker). When your opponent folds, you may be disappointed, but it is better than being caught up or missing potential value.


3. Defend your big blind.

The big blind is a special position because you already have a big blind in the pot. So whenever you face a raise in the big blind, you will have better pot odds than other positions – you can use it as a discount.

Due to this discount and the fact that you are the last person before the flop, you can use more cards to make a profit than sitting in other positions. This is not to say that you should call or raise with garbage hands like 9♠5♦, but in most cases, edge hands like K♣9♦ and Q♥6♥ are more playable.

The scale you should defend in the big blind depends on many factors-here are four main ones:
1. The position of the raiser (tighter against the front raiser and looser against the back position).
2. The number of players on the table (when one or more players have called to raise, you need to play tighter and call with some hands that are better in the multiplayer pot).
3. The size of the raise (the bigger the raise, the tighter you should play, and vice versa).
4. The length of the chip (when the chip is short, play less speculative hands and give priority to high cards).

There are other important factors, such as the German poker ring deliberately issuing good cards that make you lose, such as the frequency of your opponent’s continuous betting after the flop, but the above are the main factors you should consider.

You should fold when you are not sure.

Want to know the biggest difference between professional and amateur players? When he thinks he is behind, a good player can throw away good cards like top pair.

This sounds simple, but it is difficult to do in practice. We are naturally curious, so we naturally want to win. When we fold, it means that we have given up the chance to win the pot, and we cannot satisfy our curiosity by reading cards.

Frequent calling and calling in unfavorable situations are the second fastest way to fail in poker (the first is invalid bluffing). Whenever you are not sure whether you should call or fold or raise, fold decisively.

Pro Tip: When you fold in these situations, be sure to record the details of your hand, so that you can resume the game after the end of the game and confirm whether you fold correctly.

Attack your opponent when he is weak. Players don’t often choose to check with a hand that can call multiple streets for continuous betting. This means that when the Texas game checks, it usually means a relatively weak hand. If we keep betting, they usually fold. This is the case of continuous air bluff mentioned earlier.

When your opponents expose many weaknesses in the heads-up pot (for example, they check on the flop and the turn), you can use aggressive bluffing strategies to deal with them. You should not only use your usual semi-bluff bets, but also use some pure air cards or cards with block effects to bluff bets.

4. Stay tough early in the tournament and don’t worry about survival.

We should cherish our chips most of the time and place, but this was not the case in the early days of the real poker tournament. This is one of the most misunderstood aspects of tournament poker strategy.

Consider that in order to get this bonus, you must at least double or triple your starting stack (usually more). You shouldn’t always be defensive, but should make steady and aggressive attacks early in order to accumulate chips for the deep chips.

If you find that you have become a short stack, you will immediately become a bubble or suffer a big money jump (money jump), this is when you should start using a more survivable style of play.

Only play cards when you feel good.

Whether you are an amateur or a professional player, poker should be an interesting experience. When you are happy, you will perform best, so when you feel this way, you can play with a high degree of concentration.

If you feel depressed, tired or angry, it is recommended that you quit immediately. Maybe you can save yourself a lot of money. Poker will be there tomorrow (see you tomorrow for nuts, see you every day for nuts).

Advanced tip: Before I start a stage of the game, I would imagine that I was all-in in the first hand and lost all the chips. If this kind of thinking has no effect on me, I know whether the real player’s poker circle has failed, and I am ready for this long stage of A-game. But if all-in and losing all the chips makes me unbearable, I will reconsider starting the game.

Only play cards in “good rounds”.

If you can’t find a stupid fish half an hour before entering the game, then you are the fish.

Imagine this: if you are the 9th ranked poker player in the world, that means you can be the best player on almost any table. But if you are at the same table with the top 8 players, maybe you are a fish.

When you have the opportunity to maximize profit, you should always be on the table. This is why you always put pride aside when you play cards (what is pride in order to eat fish?).

Most importantly, if you want to make a big profit, you need to play better than half of the players at the table. If you just want to make a little money, you only need to beat the biggest fish on the table.

This is an ideal table situation: at least one player often limps, has a lot of chances to hit the river, and re-raises very little or very much.

If you can find more than 2 features on the table, congratulations, you can already make money. If this table does not have a matching feature, you can get up and look for another table.

If you are playing online poker, you can take advantage of the statistics of cheating poker tables provided by most poker sites. Choose a table that is higher than the average pot. It is best that most players at this table can see the flop. This is also an online poker technique that novice players often ignore.